Dandruff can stem from multiple causes, such as dryness, excessive oil production, fungal infections; stress can worsen the condition
uae4 hours ago
With advancing technology, global brands - and customers - are threatened with the growing fake goods market that manufactures products identical to authentic, labelled goods.
In a workshop conducted to help customers check for authenticity, The Luxury Closet shared ways of identifying a fake handbag from an authentic one. The key is looking at the detailed finishing of a product.
In 2016, the UAE's Department of Economic Development confiscated Dh1.6 billion worth of counterfeit items including mobile phones, cosmetics and handbags.
Globally, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimated that the fake market represented over half a trillion dollars worldwide.
Elisabeth Bohler, head of Merchandising at The Luxury Closet, said brands fight the fake market by putting authenticity checkpoints on the item that consists of small tag inside the bag with series of numbers. "In every single handbag or shoes, you'll find details that help you evaluate if it's from a manufacturer or the fake market."
Mostly, manufacturer codes provide information about the item, origin and year of manufacture. "Different brands use different manufacturer codes such as a hologram and logo. Even if a replica has a code, its design and font either won't match or won't be typed in a straight manner," said Bohler. Patterns and fabric quality are the signatures of top brands. Patterns of fake bags will never be perfectly aligned, while the fabric in branded handbags cannot be replicated. Bohler noted that some brands use unique colours as well. Plus, the authentic handbag will have a symmetric shape, something that won't be done to perfection in fake handbags. The quality of stitching is also essential because legit labels' stitching will be perfect and of good quality. "Stitching on a replica will usually not be perfect; they will either be misaligned or of poor quality," said Bohler.
Other subtle signs are chains and zippers. "If a bag's chain is light, then it's definitely fake. Similarly if a zipper isn't easy to use, then it's not real," said Bohler. She added that inside chains and zippers will be poorly finished in replicas.
Each brand also uses different hardware, which is why it is important to research the item before buying it. "The key is to make sure all the product features match, including the model, colour, collection, material and size. Search the series of codes of the brand you are planning to buy, to make sure it matches the model of the item."
Dandruff can stem from multiple causes, such as dryness, excessive oil production, fungal infections; stress can worsen the condition
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