How to make the right choice in higher education

Assistant Professor in the School of Busi-ness Administration at the CUD

Information is power. Research potential careers of interest to learn about the daily responsibilities and requirements to determine if this could be something you genuinely enjoy and can excel in.


Published: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Tue 29 Mar 2016, 9:10 AM

High school seniors about to embark on the next chapter of their lives are likely facing questions about career choices, a confusing decision for 18-year-olds.
What adds to the complexity is that the average tenure for the younger generation is about two years, which means they could work in 20 jobs in their lifetime, likely in a field or role that has not even been dreamed of yet.
How, then, should incoming university students prepare for higher education?
Information is power. Research potential careers of interest to learn about the daily responsibilities and requirements to determine if this could be something you genuinely enjoy and can excel in. Speak to senior students to understand the programme curriculum and with industry professionals to learn whether the industry is expanding or declining.
Get a broad-based education by taking diverse courses, incorporating the sciences, math, technology, business, languages, and the arts especially if they are outside your core curriculum. What an engineer learned in her Psychology elective could prove infinitely useful in resolving a work conflict.
Trying out different courses before declaring a major is particularly important in the first year. Remember, a major is merely a selection which can be changed; even graduating with a major does not lock you into that career forever.
Pursue your passion. Don't choose a course to "get an easy A" or pick a practical programme that bores you. Instead, focus on what you are interested in as that will make you want to learn. As Leonardo da Vinci said, "Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in."
Learning how to learn. Doing well in university is not about studying hard, but studying according to your learning style. Since life-long learning is required on the job and to prepare for careers that don't yet exist, learning how you learn is critical for professional success.
Auditory learners learn by listening to lectures while linguistic learners may require rewriting notes to understand. Similarly, visual learners may need to create mind-maps while kinesthetic learners learn by doing.
Irrespective of learning style, however, active learning is required, including discussing and summarizing lessons, using mnemonic techniques, and reflecting on learnings.
Get social! Your university years will be some of the best in your life and the most memorable moments will take place outside the classroom. Getting good grades is important, but so is being involved in different sports, social, artistic, and academic clubs. An A average is not enough as employers look for extra-curricular activities in addition to critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and leadership skills. These skills are developed through participation in student organisations and competitions, which will also introduce you to industry professionals and even new careers. They are a great way to make friends and future business contacts since that girl in your gaming club could be the next Zuckerberg.
Ultimately, education is like a gift of seeds; it will not bear fruit unless efforts are made to cultivate it.
(Any views expressed in this article are solely those of the author's and not of the university.)

Published: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Tue 29 Mar 2016, 9:10 AM

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