Looking for job in Dubai? Follow these CV tips

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Looking for job in Dubai? Follow these CV tips
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Dubai - Highlight that you are still learning and improving

By Curated by Saalim Ziauddeen

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Published: Sun 20 Nov 2016, 2:12 PM

So you have what it takes to do the job? Now all you need is an opportunity. Spend time thinking about what you would like to include in your CV and what you would leave out. You have to be able to convey who you are as a person to the reader. These 5 tips will help you write the CV that will stand out.
1) Make sure that you know exactly what the words skill, ability and knowledge mean. These words are commonly used interchangeably but there are subtle differences.
2) Write the CV with the sole intention of being called for an interview. Other grander ambitions can wait for later. This is not contradictory advice.
Also read: These are the skills that'll get you hired
3) Showcase, as best as you can, that you are not the kind of employee who will take unscheduled leave or leave the heavy lifting to his colleagues.
4) For jobs that require a portfolio make sure you provide a link to your portfolio. This could decide whether you get called for an interview or not.
Related: Five reasons Dubai employers reject your resume
5) Highlight that you are still learning and improving. This will give you an advantage over people who stopped learning after their formal education was over.

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