Snapchat, camels, makeup… 5 weirdest divorce reasons

Dubai - Here are five strange reasons for divorces


By Web Team

Published: Thu 1 Dec 2016, 9:56 AM

Last updated: Thu 1 Dec 2016, 3:25 PM

Marriage is one of the basic institutions of a society. But over the years, there has been an increase in divorces worldwide.
No doubt that, mostly, it's serious issues that lead to break-ups, there are cases of divorces for some very strange and very stupid reasons.
Here are five of the weirdest reasons for divorces we've stumbled upon recently:

Favourite camel

Marriage between a couple in Saudi Arabia broke when the wife said she liked her father's camel more than him.
According to media reports, a simple joke between the couple ended the marriage as the husband couldn't accept what his wife said.
Beat this: The husband took the wife to her father's farm and divorced her in front of the camel.

Shortage of gas

In Pakistan, the shortage of cooking gas is leading to family discord. According to The Dawn, as women are unable to prepare food on time due to scarcity of gas, quarrels have become a routine.
"As a result, husbands get irritated, which leads to the couple getting separated," Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) lawmaker Tahira Aurangzeb was quoted saying by the paper.


A groom in Saudi Arabia divorced his wife two hours after marriage because the wife shared the pictures of the wedding with her (female) friends on Snapchat.
According to reports, there was an agreement between the couple that the pictures of the ceremony will not be shared over Snapchat.
The groom. goes the story, divorced his wife immediately upon learning about the 'breach of trust'.


A 28-year-old bride was divorce on her honeymoon in Dubai when her husband saw her without makeup for the first time.
The 34-year-old husband felt deceived as the bride wore makeup and false eyelashes when they got engaged.
According to the Daily Mail,the husband could no longer recognise his wife when she emerged after a swim at the Al Mamzar beach in Dubai, as all her makeup had washed away.

TV shows

An Indian woman left her husband because he forbade her from watching her favorite television shows.
There were regular arguments between the couple over this, but once things got overheated, the wife decided to leave her husband.

Web Team

Published: Thu 1 Dec 2016, 9:56 AM

Last updated: Thu 1 Dec 2016, 3:25 PM

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