UAE foreign minister welcomes US President's proposals to end Gaza war

This came during a phone call today with Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State


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Photo: WAM
Photo: WAM

Published: Sat 1 Jun 2024, 8:59 PM

Last updated: Sat 1 Jun 2024, 9:01 PM

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, stressed the importance of the proposals presented by US President Joe Biden regarding the situation in the Gaza Strip, appreciating these efforts which aimed at stopping the war in the Strip.

This came during a phone call today with Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State, during which the two top diplomats discussed the current developments in the Middle East region and the situation in the Gaza Strip and their repercussions, especially on the humanitarian aspect.

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Sheikh Abdullah also reviewed with Secretary Blinken the US President's proposals, which include a comprehensive ceasefire and the withdrawal of the Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, the release of prisoners and hostages, the return of the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to their home areas, an increase in the pace of humanitarian aid to support the needs in the Gaza Strip, and the implementation of a comprehensive reconstruction plan for Gaza.

Sheikh Abdullah stressed the need to deal seriously and positively with Biden's proposals and all other proposals that lead to de-escalation in the region, protecting the lives of all civilians, alleviating the worsening humanitarian crisis that civilians are suffering from in the Gaza Strip, and ending this war.

Sheikh Abdullah also recognised the importance of building on these proposals in order to create a serious political horizon for renegotiation with the aim of achieving comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution.

He appreciated the ongoing mediation efforts undertaken by Qatar, Egypt, and the United States to reach a ceasefire, stressing the UAE's firm support for all efforts aimed at reaching a sustainable ceasefire, providing urgent humanitarian aid to civilians in the Gaza Strip, and ending the suffering of the brotherly Palestinian people.

He also pointed out that extremism, tension and escalating violence have pushed the region to an unprecedented state of instability. He added that this necessitates the need to intensify international cooperation and concerted regional and international efforts to end this situation.

The focus should be on consolidating the foundations of security and stability in the region and meeting the aspirations of its peoples for a decent life, development and prosperity, Sheikh Abdullah said.


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