Temperatures may be lower today than in previous days, with the maximum expected to reach 45 degrees Celsius in Abu Dhabi and 43 degrees Celsius in Dubai
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Today's weather in the UAE is expected to be fair to partly cloudy — however, there may be chance of rain in some areas by afternoon, according to the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM).
Low clouds will be observed on the eastern coast in the morning, while cumulus clouds may form in the east in the afternoon, accompanied by rain, the NCM added.
Humidity is expected to rise at night and may continue until Friday morning, with a chance of fog forming over some coastal and inland areas.
Waves will be light to moderate in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman.
Temperatures may be lower today than in previous days, with the maximum hitting 45 degrees Celsius in Abu Dhabi and 43 degrees Celsius in Dubai.