What to do with Fame

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What to do with Fame

Published: Mon 1 May 2017, 4:32 PM

Last updated: Tue 2 May 2017, 6:40 PM

Recently Prince Harry made headlines for all the right reasons. You probably heard that in an interview with The Telegraph on their Mad World podcast, Prince Harry spoke publicly for one of the first times about the loss of his mother, Princess Diana.

"I can safely say that losing my mom at the age of 12 and therefore shutting down all of my emotions for the last 20 years has had quite a serious effect on not only my personal life but also my work as well."

He went on to explain that at 28 he sought professional help to deal with his suppressed feelings of grief. Prince Harry has been advocating for young people who are going through grief to also seek help. Not only is it incredibly brave of him to discuss this publicly but it's also commendable that he's choosing to discuss it in an approachable platform.

Some of you may argue that it isn't particularly fair to compare Prince Harry with the following person but I couldn't help it. Did you guys watch Kim Kardashian's interview on The Ellen Show? It was the first time the reality star talked about the Paris incident on TV (after talking about it on her show of course). My newsfeed was filled with people pitying her. This was a feeling I couldn't share.

Even though she got emotional, I didn't particularly feel bad for her as she was talking. What happened to Kim K was terrible and harrowing. But while I watched the interview, I waited for her to send a message, to say something to her millions of followers. She didn't. She hasn't. The Paris incident was about her and how her life has changed since. Understandable. But Kim K's life has been a show to everyone and although she has been more than happy to send messages of what to buy, she has been very quiet about advising her followers to live a "better less materialistic life" after the Paris incident. Kim was careful not to insult the legions of her followers who still believe in the materialistic way of life she and her family introduced into the mainstream. It was that materialistic world and showing off that got her robbed in the first place. According to her she isn't interested in being materialistic anymore but she added, there's nothing wrong with being materialistic.

So why compare Prince Harry and Kim K? Well both are universally public figures with a magnitude of fans watching their every move. Both are famous for no particularly reason or talent - one for being royal the other for reasons I don't have time to write. The difference between them is - one was born into fame while the other has made it her life's purpose to be and remain famous.

Those of you who regularly read my columns will know that I have a fascination with fame. How people get it, how it changes them and most importantly what they do with it. You don't need to do a quick Google search to see how Prince Harry and Kim K have used their fame to better the world. These two interviews are proof enough.

By Maán Jalal

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