6 Pan-Asian Dishes You Can Whip Up At Home

(Recipes by Aditya Pradipta, junior sous chef, Pure Sky Lounge, Hilton Dubai The Walk)


Published: Fri 3 Aug 2018, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 10 Aug 2018, 9:49 AM

Indonesian Gado Gado Salad
Serves: 4
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 30 mins
80 gm rice paper sheet
200 gm bean sprout
200 gm carrot, julienne
200 gm cucumber, julienne
4 quail eggs
100 gm bread crumbs
30 ml balsamic reduction
50 gm frisee lettuce
50 gm plantain
For the tomato jelly:
100 ml tomato juice
3 gm salt
10 gm agar agar powder
For the peanut sauce:
160 gm peanut
10 gm shallot
10 gm garlic
50 gm lime leaves
100 gm tamarind
80 gm red chilli, large
160 ml sweet soy
Soak the paper roll in cold water for a second, then place it on a non-sticky surface. Arrange the vegetables and roll it up neatly.
For the tomato jelly, heat tomato juice on low heat, add salt to taste and add agar-agar powder. Stir well, place into the desired container and freeze till set.
For the peanut sauce, deep-fry the peanut, shallot, garlic and lime leaves. Blend the remaining ingredients together (except tamarind) with the peanut mix.
Soak tamarind in boiling water for a few minutes until it dissolves. Mix the tamarind water with the rest of the ingredients and cook for 15 mins on low flame.
To serve, coat the quail egg with bread crumbs and deep-fry until golden brown.
Cut tomato jelly into brunoise. Arrange the remaining ingredients as pictured.
Garnish with crispy plantain and serve.

Japanese Crispy Tofu Skewers
Serves: 4
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 20 mins
600 gm Asian tofu
50 gm tapioca flour
Salt and pepper to taste
200 gm carrot
40 gm liquorice
20 gm bean sprout
10 gm chives
200 ml white vinegar
100 gm sugar
150 ml water
For the tentsuyu dip:
50 gm kombu
25 gm bonito flakes
100 gm light soya
Water, as needed
50 gm sugar
Cut the tofu into 2 cm long portions and keep it in water. Season with salt and pepper, then dip into tapioca flour.
Boil carrot with liquorice, salt and pepper.
Mash with a blender, then pass through a sieve for a smooth and silken purée.
For the dip, soak kombu and bonito with light soya and water then bring it to boil and reduce by three-fourth; add sugar and strain the mixture with a fine chinois.
To serve, deep-fry tofu until golden brown.
Mix bean sprout and scallion with pickle water (a mixture of vinegar, sugar and water). Arrange as pictured above and serve immediately.

Malaysian Angus Beef Tenderloin
Serves: 4
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 50 mins
640 gm angus beef tenderloin
150 gm sticky rice
30 gm pistachio
30 gm pomegranate seed
20 gm coconut chips, toasted
40 gm broccolini
2 gm edible flower

For the Rendang gravy:
5 gm lemongrass
20 gm galangal
5 gm red chilli
20 gm garlic
20 gm shallot
250 ml corn oil
250 ml coconut milk
1 gm lime leaves
10 gm palm sugar
100 ml veal jus
Weigh the tenderloin into portions of 160 gm each, then roll it in plastic film for a nice shape.
Steam glutinous rice with water and salt for about 20 minutes or until cooked.
Crush the pistachio and toss with pomegranate seed.
For the Rendang gravy, mix lemongrass, galangal, red chilli, garlic and shallot in a blender till it becomes a paste.
Sauté the mixture in a hot pot on low flame, then add the remaining ingredients. Stir constantly to avoid coconut milk breaking down.
Let the gravy simmer for about 30-40 minutes till it achieves the desired consistency.
To serve, season beef with salt and pepper, then grill as desired.
Reheat sticky rice and roll it with toasted coconut chips.
Blanch broccolini and sauté with salt and pepper.
Arrange as pictured, and serve.

Singaporean Roasted Black Cod
Serves: 4
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 30 mins
600 gm black cod fish
5 gm salt
5 gm pepper
250 gm fennel, sliced
150 gm orange segments
200 ml vinegar
Water, as required
100 gm sugar
400 gm Idaho potato
30 gm baby spinach, sautéed
For the Nyonya sauce:
100 gm red chilli, large
50 gm mint leaves
50 gm pineapple
100 gm ginger
100 gm shallot
100 gm garlic
25 gm turmeric powder
75 gm curry powder
43 ml fish sauce
400 gm sugar
50 ml white vinegar
400 gm miso paste
100 gm galangal
400 ml lemon juice
20 gm salt

Season cod fish and sear in a hot pan with baking paper, skin side first.
Slice fennel thinly and cut orange, avoiding the membrane. Mix them well with a combination of vinegar, water and sugar.
Peel the boiled potato and mash; season well.
Sauté spinach half cooked, and then mix with the mashed potato mixture.
Shape spinach and mash mix into 30 gm 'cakes'.
For the Nyonya sauce, blend all the ingredients until smooth, then pass through a sieve to get an even smoother texture. Season to taste.
To serve, dust potato cake with all-purpose flour then sear both sides. Reheat the sauce and adjust consistency.
Plate as pictured and serve.

Vietnamese Pan-Seared Duck Breast
Serves: 4
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 35 mins

25 gm baby beetroot, red
25 gm baby beetroot, yellow
700 gm duck breast
Salt and pepper to taste
5 gm cinnamon stick
5 gm ginger
15 gm silver onion
25 gm bok choy
10 gm shallot, sliced into rings
For the tomato fondue:
10 gm garlic, chopped
10 gm red onion, chopped
10 gm chilli, chopped
50 gm palm sugar
2.5 gm bay leaves
25 gm tomato paste
200 gm tomato beef, chopped
For the veal juice: 200 ml veal jus liquid
Boil red and yellow beetroot separately; keep them separately to avoid colour transfer too.
Portion duck breast and marinate with salt, pepper, cinnamon stick and ginger.
Sear the skin part until golden brown and crispy, then bake in the oven to desired doneness.
For the tomato fondue: sauté garlic and onion until succulent.
Add chilli and palm sugar, bay leaves and tomato paste; stir until it thickens. Add tomato chopped/canned and allow to simmer till soft and mashed. Adjust the seasoning.
To serve, reheat the fondue and veal jus (reduced a little) separately.
Sauté red and yellow beetroot, silver onion, and bok choy separately.
Coat shallot with tempura batter and deep-fry until golden brown.
Plate as pictured, and serve.

Chinese Black Sesame Crepes
Serves: 4
Prep time: 30 mins
Cook time: 1 hr
350 ml milk
12 gm white sesame
12 gm black sesame
93 gm all-purpose flour
12 gm sugar
25 ml oil
3 whole eggs
93 gm tapioca flour
200 gm pistachio
For the black sesame sorbet:
75 gm black sesame
50 ml tahini
120 ml coconut milk
75 gm palm sugar
7 gm salt

For the pineapple jam: 200 gm pineapple, chopped
50 gm sugar
For the vanilla sauce: 30 gm butter
5 ml vanilla essence
118 gm sugar
30 gm corn starch

For the crepes, blend milk with black and white sesame seed. Mix the remaining ingredients (except pistachio) into a smooth mixture.
Warm a pan and spray with coating spray, then pour the mixture and fry crepes. Repeat the process with the remaining mix, till it is over.
For the black sesame sorbet, mix all the ingredients together and bring to boil. Place the mix into a beaker and keep it in the freezer overnight. The next day, blend it with a blender to get a smooth texture.
For the pineapple jam, cook pineapple and sugar togehter until brown.
Mix all the ingredients for the vanilla sauce together and bring to boil; set aside to cool in an ice bath.
To serve, spread the crepes with pineapple jam then roll it, and halve at an angle.
Crush pistachio over them and serve with black sesame sorbet and vanilla sauce, as pictured below.

Published: Fri 3 Aug 2018, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 10 Aug 2018, 9:49 AM

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