6 recipes to colour your palate

Recipes by: Balance, in association with Deliveroo; styling by Farah Sawaf


Published: Thu 8 Nov 2018, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 23 Nov 2018, 9:24 AM

Roasted Pumpkin Soup
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 1 hr 30 mins
Serves: 6-8
2 kg pumpkin, cut into chunks, deseeded
60 gm olive oil
20 gm cumin
20 gm ground coriander seeds
225 gm white onion
40 gm garlic
100 gm celery
180 gm carrot
Veg stock, as needed
Salt and pepper to taste
Place pumpkin on a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil, cumin and coriander.
Bake at 170°C until soft and caramelised.
Roughly chop the onion, garlic, celery, and carrot. Sweat in a pan until translucent.
Add roasted pumpkin (with skin) to the veggies. Add vegetable stock until the pumpkin is covered and allow to cook for 15 minutes more.
Remove from the pot and blend until you reach desired consistency. Season to taste and serve.
(Deliveroo says: Most pumpkins and carrots contain organic pigments called carotenoids, such as alpha- and beta-carotene that give their flesh and skin the classic deep orange tint. The human body converts beta carotene into vitamin A (retinol), which we need for healthy skin and immune systems, as well as good eye health.

Quinoa Salad
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 10 mins
Serves: 1
100 gm red quinoa
50 gm white quinoa
45 gm cherry tomatoes
10 gm pomegranate
5 gm macadamia nuts
2 gm coriander
2 gm parsley
10 gm goat's cheese
5 gm radish
Mix all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl and serve immediately.
Set aside a little parsley, coriander, radish and pomegranate to garnish your salad on the side.
(Deliveroo says: The red pigment colour in most fruits or vegetables is from a group of phyotonutrients known as betalains. Betalains are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying agents.

Rice Paper Rolls
Prep time: 15 mins
Serves: 1
Rice paper
Fresh kale leaves
Vermicelli noodles
Juice of one lemon
Add a touch of water to your rice paper to ensure it is soft and edible.
Arrange fresh leaves and herbs inside and drizzle with lemon juice.
Roll it up and serve.
(Deliveroo says: Due to their rich chlorophyll content, greens like kale and coriander are bright green. Kale is very high in nutrients and very low in calories, making it one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Interestingly, a single cup of raw kale actually contains more vitamin C than an orange.)

Capsicum & Yellow Pepper Omelette
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 8 mins
Serves: 1
3 organic eggs
50 gm roasted yellow capsicum, chopped
20 gm roasted yellow courgettes, chopped
10 gm mini hot chilli pepper, yellow, chopped
20 gm yellow cheddar
80 gm mixed leaves
10 gm yellow chilli
Whisk eggs together with a pinch of salt.
Heat a pan with a knob of butter on medium heat and slowly add the eggs.
Tilt the pan from side to side to ensure that the omelette is evenly cooked.
Add the capsicum, roasted courgettes and chilli, topped with yellow cheddar, inside and place under a salamander or in your oven for about a minute.
Fold omelette in three on a plate and garnish with fresh mixed leaves and chilli.
(Deliveroo says: Yellow peppers take their colour from lutein and beta-carotene, the chemicals responsible for the sunny and orange hues of egg yolks and carrots, respectively. Lutein is known to reduce risk for age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.)

Pulled Beef Bowl with Walnut Brown Rice
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 18 hrs (for the smoked beef ribs)
Serves: 2
250 gm beef short ribs, smoked for 18 hrs
150 gm brown rice
Olive oil, as needed
10 gm walnuts
Salt to taste
Slice smoked beef into four thick slices.
Sauté cooked brown rice with a good olive oil together with chopped walnuts.
Season to taste.
To plate, place walnut rice in the centre of the dish and short rib slices on top. Serve.
(Deliveroo says: The colour of brown rice comes from the bran layers that remain after the hulling process. It contains more fibre than refined grains like white rice, which are said to reduce belly fat and help with weight loss.

Blueberry Porridge
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 10 mins
Serves: 4-6
500 ml milk
10 ml vanilla essence
20 gm sugar
250 gm rolled organic oats
25 gm fresh blueberries
25 gm almond candy
Combine milk, vanilla essence and sugar
in a small saucepot and bring to a slow simmer.
Add oats and reduce heat to medium-low temperature.
Cook the oats, stirring every two minutes until soft and creamy in consistency.
Garnish with fresh blueberries and almond candy. Serve.
(Deliveroo says: Blueberries contain a plant compound called anthocyanin. This gives the renowned superfood both its rich blue colour and many of their health benefits. Studies are ongoing but some have found possible links to fighting cancer as well as improving memory.)

Published: Thu 8 Nov 2018, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 23 Nov 2018, 9:24 AM

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