'Do not waste time doing things you do not enjoy'

Noha Kadora, Regional Marketing and Communications Manager, Middle East & Africa, Kone, on making the most of the time we have


Published: Thu 12 Jul 2018, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Thu 12 Jul 2018, 2:00 AM

How do you typically start your workday?
I'm an early riser. I make sure to wake up early enough to watch the sun rays. What better way to enjoy this picturesque view than to ride a bike while feeling the dawn breeze brush your hair? If the weather doesn't allow it, I go to the gym. I will definitely find myself a place near a window so that I can see the sky (I might not have said it enough, but I love the early sun's rays!). To me, this morning routine replenishes my soul and puts me in the right state of mind to start the day.
Describe your work in a sentence
Challenging, exciting, and dynamic - it never gets boring.
What is your favourite thing about your job?
I like change and I also enjoy taking on challenges. I never shy away from unfamiliar tasks or duties. Given my diverse scope of work at KONE, I have the opportunity to strive and grow. Even though it can be rightly challenging, I still consider myself lucky to be in such an enabling environment. As part of an institution that prides itself in its long history of dedication to the improvement of the flow of urban life, I can see that my efforts contribute to a greater cause. This adds value and meaning to what I do and pushes me to give more and more every day.
What has been your most challenging experience to date and how did you resolve it?
I would say being a woman in a male dominated industry can prove to be complicated at times. Yet, I believe every woman has the aptitude to rise to this challenge and make herself heard. Personally, my attitude has helped me - I do not let anything intimidate me. With this in mind, I have learned that the best way to make a sound contribution is by being direct and having a go-getter attitude. I prefer to focus on building my expertise so as to make myself invaluable. I put in the necessary hours when I know it will benefit the business or my career growth. Besides this, I like to invest my time in building relationships with my colleagues to instill a sense of unity.
What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?
If I go back in time, I would make sure I understand the ephemeral nature of time early on. I believe once you understand that the clock keeps on ticking, you will realise that every second is a precious investment that should be made wisely. So, do not waste your time doing things you do not enjoy. Instead, do more of what you love. I would encourage myself to spend more time outdoors cycling, hiking, swimming, etc.
How do you maintain a work-life balance?
I believe that, in a world of constant connectivity, it is very important to learn to disconnect. Sometimes, we need to slightly 'unlearn' technology in order to look inward for peace. Then, we need to sort out what we need in order of priority - be it for work or for personal matters.
Any advice for youngsters just getting into the professional arena?
First of all, don't be afraid. Speak up, and be confident and direct. Stay focused on your goals and work hard to achieve them, because dedication makes the entire difference. If your goal changes along the way, adjust and embrace the arising challenges. Never give up. Instead, ask for help when you need it. In turn, help others when you can. Finally, don't underestimate the power of a smile or a good sense of humour in dodging tension and hostility as well as in communicating difficult messages.
A fictional character you think would make for a good role model - and why?
Brienne of Tarth, from Game of Thrones! I admire her fearlessness, her bravery, and her caring nature. Her ability to protect others is unparalleled. Even though she comes across as someone tough, she is soft and caring. I also respect her ability to turn an unfortunate physical trait, that was used to make fun of her, into her strength.
What is your greatest dream, professionally?
Along with my career in marketing and communication, I would love to engage in organising fitness events for like-minded people, who enjoy nature, cycling, yoga and reiki.
- Staff reporter

Published: Thu 12 Jul 2018, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Thu 12 Jul 2018, 2:00 AM

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