The Year of Sustainability campaign, announced in February 2023, helps the public commit to sustainability as a lifestyle through easy-to-adapt daily habits
uae1 hour ago
Sleep Talk Recorder
Definitely a fun one if you're guilty of yakking through your Zs. According to the app's developers, 50 per cent of kids aged 3-10 carry on whole conversations during the night. That figure goes down to about 5 per cent, as we grow older. But why miss out on the fun? The app monitors your sleep, records that acceptance speech you gave last night (or even your partner's snores), and allows you to save and navigate the recordings in an easy manner. Turn out the lights for a
good laugh!
iOS, Android, Free
Bills Reminder
The name says it all. Who wants to cough up so many late payment fees when you could avoid them altogether? Stay on top of your dues with this app that sends you friendly reminders every time you have a payment coming up. So, even if you forget - this app won't! Simply add bills or, even, create recurring ones - and organise them as Upcoming, Overdue, Paid and Unpaid. Time to save some money!
Android, Free
Is the task ahead of you too big? Do you not know where to start? Or are you struggling to finish because you're being such a perfectionist? For all the procrastinators with endless excuses out there, this app is for you. Using an algorithm to rank all your tasks (based on several criteria), it helps you overcome mind blocks, tracks your time usage through charts, and generally manages your projects and areas of responsibility. Get cracking!
iOS, $1.99
Keep an eye on your water intake with this cute blue droid that reminds us of the lovable Baymax from Big Hero 6. We're not going to go into the benefits of drinking more water here (you already know those), but the more you drink, the happier this big fella is - and the happier you will be... guaranteed. Also, health is happiness, right?
Android, Free
The Year of Sustainability campaign, announced in February 2023, helps the public commit to sustainability as a lifestyle through easy-to-adapt daily habits
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