In conversation with the fashionable Rumana Nazim

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In conversation with the fashionable Rumana Nazim

The founder of The Edit Dubai discusses her shift from a lawyer to an entrepreneur, and more

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Published: Fri 24 May 2019, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 24 May 2019, 2:00 AM

The number one item on your wish list.
An early night in bed and a full night's sleep.
If you could move to any place in the world, what place would that be?
If it were for just a year, I would move to Tokyo. For a long-term move, however, I would, without a doubt, choose London.
The biggest learning point or experience in your life.
Leaving my comfort zone as a lawyer and starting up my own business - The Edit Dubai. The transition wasn't an easy one and I learnt a lot about myself in the process.
If you won a million bucks tomorrow, what would you do with the money?
I'd initially set up a trust which would donate a percentage of returns to a charity focusing on education for orphaned girls in India, and then invest the rest into The Edit.
What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?
I think my younger self did just fine with the advice she had at the time!
The most interesting app you've come across - that's not the usual social media suspects.
A friend of mine recently introduced me to ArtRabbit, which is an independent digital art platform for promoting, discovering and appreciating contemporary art and visual culture. It also brings you the latest activity currently taking place in your chosen location so it's a great app for people interested in art and culture.
If you could trade lives with one person - dead or alive - for an entire day, who would it be and why?
My husband, to figure out what goes on in his head! Jokes aside, I don't think I'd like to trade lives with anyone but I would love to spend a day with Michelle Obama, Marie Curie and both of my grandfathers.
Favourite fictional character of all time.
Scout Finch from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.
The best thing you've ever bought yourself?
Freedom from being a corporate lawyer.

If you could have your pick of superpowers, what would you choose?
Lately, with my work schedule, I've been wishing I had the ability to teleport, which we may actually be closer to accomplishing than we think. Microsoft recently released a video demonstrating a technology they're calling "holoportation", which uses 3D cameras and an augmented reality visor to create real-time interactive holograms!
- Staff reporter

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