What the stars are saying this week (Mar 6-12)

By Aacharya Sandeep Bhargava

Published: Thu 5 Mar 2020, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 6 Mar 2020, 1:00 AM

(March 21 to April 20)
No major deal is likely to come up for businesspersons this week. At work, you will have difficulties in completing your tasks. You will stand a very good opportunity to gain through inheritance. You will be able to satisfy to quench your desires to indulge in your personal shopping. Make sure to invest your money safely. Some unexpected health issue may come up.
Lucky Day:  Sunday; Lucky Colour: White

(April 21 to May 20)
There will be a lot of commotions in your
routine work. This means you will have a challenging time to perform effectively. You'll experience some difficulties in your financial
front. Monetary gains will be irregular and you'll not be able to live very comfortably. Refrain from taking decisions related to major financial involvement for now.
Lucky Day: Saturday; Lucky Colour: Violet

(May 21 to June 20)
Businesspersons need to look for drastic and
effective changes in their strategy. There will be pressure from family members to tie the knot with the person of their choice. You'll not be able to accept the proposal as you'll be busy with job-related problems. With regards to differences with one in a close relationship, you may not be eager to resolve an issue.
Lucky Day: Wednesday; Lucky Colour: Brown

(June 21 to July 22)
You will earn encouraging monetary gains
and this will assist you to look after any incidental expenses. However, you must not think of any investment for now. Singles will not be
inclined to make a long-term commitment for now. You will have a pleasant time with near ones in a relationship. You will have a good health and an excellent state of mental happiness.
Lucky Day: Friday; Lucky Colour: Red

(July 23 to August 22)
Businesspersons in overseas trade will have
a favorable opportunity to strike a profitable deal. However, negotiations will prolong for a long time. You need to remain patient when things do not go your way at the workplace. You take care of your finances with due intelligence. You will be successful in resolving differences with ones in close relationship amicably.
Lucky Day: Monday; Lucky Colour: Blue

(August 23 to September 22)
A healthy week is in store for you. No noticeable gain for now. Make sure to take decision in matters related to finance after due deliberation. Do not spend on unnecessary things. You will do a great job at work and your efficiency will increase. You will remain concerned over some issue with one in close relationship. Handle the situation patiently.
Lucky Day: Friday; Lucky Colour: Pink

(September 23 to October 22)
You will be able to live comfortably within your means but you will not be able to spend on entertainment and other pleasures of life. You need to stick to the present field of activity wholeheartedly. Employed one will be uncomfortable at work. No major illness is going to trouble you. Singles will not be able to devote enough time to shape an intimate relationship.
Lucky Day: Thursday; Lucky Colour: Yellow

(October 23 to November 22)
You will be in a better health condition this week. You will feel energetic and lively for a long time.
You'll grow in your career prospects and lady luck will shine upon you. You may need to work for extended hours to meet scheduled deadline and you'll be rewarded for your hard work. There will be a sudden shortage of financial gains for you.
Lucky Day: Tuesday; Lucky Colour: Orange

(November 23 to December 22)
Businesspersons need to aim for some creativity to increase your sales and profit. This will make your base strong enough. Career-oriented ones need to strive for precision and perfection. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity at work. Financial front will be stable but avoid making any fresh investments for now. Healthwise, there is a possibility that some old malady may crop up.  
Lucky Day: Monday; Lucky Colour: Violet

(December 22 to January 19)
Take a pause and re-evaluate your past decisions. Mark out any flaws in your previous planning and think of due improvements. Your financial position will strengthen. However, it will take a long time to see the results physically. Make sure to save enough for the future. Singles will have to work hard and do something extraordinary to woo the person of your dreams.
Lucky Day: Friday; Lucky Colour: Blue

(January 20 to February 18)
Some already cured illness will reappear. Remain watchful and consult a good doctor to help you root out the issue. It will be a gainful period for businesspersons. You will receive a rich harvest from previous investments and savings. Those at work will come across a good opportunity to exhibit hidden talent. Financially, you will be in a healthy position.
Lucky Day: Tuesday; Lucky Colour: White

(February 19 to March 20)
Businesspersons and professionals will be fortunate enough to strike profitable deals. There will be opportunities for monetary gains. However, you will have to make use of these opportunities. Any negligence in responding can result in loss of opportunity. So, be ready to work hard. In relationships, do not hold grudges against a person who has differences with you.
Lucky Day: Sunday; Lucky Colour: Red

Aacharya Sandeep Bhargava

Published: Thu 5 Mar 2020, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 6 Mar 2020, 1:00 AM

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