What the stars have to say (Mar 20-26)

By Aacharya Sandeep Bhargava

Published: Wed 18 Mar 2020, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Thu 19 Mar 2020, 1:00 AM

(March 21 to April 20)
There are chances that you will succeed in things done with dedication. Career and business will be good. Some pending tasks will finally be completed. Maintain cordial relations with your superiors and peers. Do not take financial decisions on instinct. Get out and mingle. Singles will have an enjoyable time with someone. You will remain in good general health.
Lucky Day: Saturday; Lucky Colour: White

(April 21 to May 20)
As the week starts, there will be little motivation to work. Take time out to relax in order to be back on track. This will end by Wednesday, after that you'll be eager to move ahead. No major monetary gains can be foreseen; however, small gains will fill the gaps. Be careful while taking financial decisions. Have patience for some time and things will come your way.
Lucky Day: Sunday; Lucky Colour: White

(May 21 to June 20)
This week is good for singles to build intimate relationships. Those in relationships will be eager to get married. Both businesspersons and professionals will have a gainful time. However, set your priorities and spend cautiously. Plan your finances for the long term. Keep enough for emergencies. Be careful about even minor-looking health issues.
Lucky Day: Thursday;  Lucky Colour: Violet

(June 21 to July 22)
Perform efficiently at work and remain dedicated to do your best. This can make a real difference to your professional future. Businesspersons need to work hard on improving the quality of their goods and services. Remain cautious in money matters and save as much as you can. Maintaining harmony in relationships will become difficult.
Lucky Day: Wednesday; Lucky Colour: Blue

(July 23 to August 22)
You'll have to do work that makes you uncomfortable. Businesspeople need to join with others to secure high-value deals. You need to be extremely careful in money matters. New investments are not encouraged for now. Don't overspend. Singles should not build serious relationships right now. Expect to get into a heated discussion with your spouse. Self-improvement should be your goal.
Lucky Day: Monday; Lucky Colour: Red

(August 23 to September 22)
You will not be efficient this week. Job changes are not advisable now, you need to stick to your present assignment. Short-term business travel may not be fruitful. Refrain from major financial involvement. Wait for the right time to invest your spare money. Put some time aside for rest and relaxation. Maintain a healthy regime and exercise daily.
Lucky Day: Friday; Lucky Colour: Yellow

(September 23 to October 22)
Financial front will be comfortable. No noticeable gains expected. Don't look for unethical ways to earn money. This will be good time for businesspersons who deal with overseas interests. Just make sure to read the customer's terms and conditions carefully. Singles will prioritise their career and growth prospects over romance. Some minor health issue will bother you this week.
Lucky Day: Tuesday;   Lucky Colour: Blue

(October 23 to November 22)
A high-value business deal will come up for negotiation around weekend. Just be accommodating. On the other hand, professionals will have a tough time with tight deadlines. Avoid making any major financial commitments for now. Save your spare money. In matters of the heart, singles are more concerned about their career and future prospects. Healthwise, you need to take care of yourself.
Lucky Day: Saturday; Lucky Colour: Pink

(November 23 to December 22)
You will start your week by calming your soul. Around midweek, your focus will shift to realities. You'll feel uncomfortable at work. Focus on your assigned task and remove negative vibes. This will be a good week for professionals. You'll come across a good monetary opportunity. Make sure to keep enough provision for emergencies. Old health issues may resurface, so be careful!
Lucky Day: Sunday; Lucky Colour: Brown

(December 22 to January 19)
There is a strong possibility of falling sick. Businesspersons will not have luck this time around. Professionals will have a hard time with deadlines. No major monetary gains can be foreseen, so be careful while spending money. Things may not go well in relationships. Reconciliations will be difficult. Slow digestion may bother you this week. Be careful of your diet and nutrition.
Lucky Day: Sunday; Lucky Colour: White

(January 20 to February 18)
You are likely to make progress in your career. At work, you will be trusted with additional responsibilities. If handled successfully, it will enhance your future prospects. You will save money due to financial gains and you will increase provisions for family voluntarily. Be wise in spending. You'll be in pink of health. Doing yoga and meditation will help you maintain your fitness.
Lucky Day: Wednesday;  Lucky Colour: Blue

(February 19 to March 20)
Businessmen will face obstacles. You'll be eager to increase your income and planets will favour you. You will come across some avenues to earn extra money. Cut out unnecessary expenditures. Relationships might get complicated at the moment due to some issues. Some health hazards may aggravate. Alternative medicine may lead to a long-term cure.
Lucky Day: Sunday;   Lucky Colour: Violet

Aacharya Sandeep Bhargava

Published: Wed 18 Mar 2020, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Thu 19 Mar 2020, 1:00 AM

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