Yes, we can

Thomas Edison

It's a whole lot of hard work and sacrifice that goes into a success story. But most importantly, it is the drive.


Published: Thu 17 Dec 2015, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 18 Dec 2015, 11:29 AM

Thomas Edison once said, "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up; the most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
Failure is a stepping-stone to success, and this was well-showcased by your cover story (Why Failure is a Good Kickstart to Success, Dec 11). History is rife with examples proving the same - what better instance can there be than the person who teachers considered 'too stupid to learn anything' - and then went on to be one of the world's greatest inventors. Even after failing time and time again, Ed-ison put a positive spin on it by saying, "I have not failed. I've just found 1,000 ways that won't work." Albert Einstein could not speak till the age of four, and was expelled from school, yet he is now known as one the world's greatest thinkers. Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin and Walt Disney have all been rejected outright. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter was turned down by 12 publishers before turning into a hit and making her a household name.
A common thread between these success stories is the fact that each one of these stars pursued their dreams and persevered until success came knocking. It's a whole lot of hard work and sacrifice that goes into a success story. But most importantly, it is the drive and the belief in hard work that helps them achieve the seemingly impossible. It is not easy, but if it were, everybody would be successful. It is those people who don't just dare to dream but strive to make their dreams a reality, who ultimately find success.
As Steve Jobs so aptly put it, "The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."


It is indeed refreshing to read about the struggles entrepreneurs in the UAE have faced before attaining success (Why Failure is a Good Kickstart to Success, Dec 11). We live in a world of ever-changing economies and consumer tastes. Long gone are the days when one req-uired 20 years of experience in a field before they could create something of their own.
Most management books cover ideas and methods on traditional business tactics, which now seem redundant. As an avid reader of these books, I've noticed how none of them ever focus on how entrepreneurs spent time and energy on an idea and then failed, and this gives us the impression that these people had it made from the very beginning.
It is articles like these that make you realise how much truly goes into becoming successful. Hard work is important, but sometimes you also need people to have faith in your ideas and trust in your abilities, as the CEO of Glambox Nada Zagallai mentioned. Another important aspect is timing - getting the right job when you graduate or meeting the right business partner can do wonders - and it is all about being in the right place at the right time.
Osama Romoh of Digital Labs hit the nail on the head by saying that a good service or product also needs money to be successful. A lot of innovators have good ideas, but need the necessary financial assistance to get ahead. Lastly, Tahir Shah of Moti Roti showed us how important it is to truly believe in your idea.
These stories inspire us to keep working hard, be perceptive of the changing market, and to learn from our mistakes.
Krishnan V, by email
Ever since my exams started last week, I've been under immense pressure, and recently experienced a phenomenon that could only be described as sleep paralysis. When I told my family and friends about it, they proceeded to state I was just having a bad dream, but when I read the article Trapped within a Nightmare (Dec 11) I felt this sense of relief. I showed it to my friends and family to prove that sleep paralysis is not a mere myth. I cannot thank you enough for bringing the issue to the fore. It isreally informative and I feel comforted knowing exactly what was happening to me during the episode I had. There were also some really helpful suggestions in the article that I might try, in case it happens again.
Thenuga Priyasharshini, Abu Dhabi
Khalid Mohammed's reflections on the recent controversy involving Aamir Khan (Cinema and the I-Word, Dec 11) was very apt, as it came at a time when there was lot of negative sentiments around the state of affairs in India. In India, films are a powerful medium, playing an important role in shaping minds and binding a vastly diverse country.
I still remember how Rang De Basanti had given rise to a movement where young people wanted to volunteer for social change. A quote from the film, "No country is perfect, one has to make it better" remains one of my favourites, and I use it whenever reminded of the imper-fections of my motherland. Cinema  rises above the political interests of certain individuals. And so does India - a mighty nation with great values and integrity - that will also not be bogged down by controversies of any kind.
Beena Jose, via email

Published: Thu 17 Dec 2015, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Fri 18 Dec 2015, 11:29 AM

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