'You can leave a career if it no longer serves you'

Talking work and life with equus coach Kat Winny


Published: Fri 14 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 21 Jun 2019, 9:55 AM

How do you typically start your workday?
I start every day with some physical movement - I love a 10-minute dance or yoga session or a walk outside amongst nature. It helps get my body energised and my head clear for the day ahead. I can't get started without breakfast (normally a green smoothie) and then I sit down to tackle my most important project of the day first.

Describe your work in one sentence.
Creating dramatic shifts in my clients' approach to life using horses and hypnotherapy, so they can achieve their own version of success - whether in their career, relationship or personal circumstances.   

What is your favourite thing about your job?
There are so many - I love being able to work with horses; they are such wise, gentle and insightful creatures. Seeing clients have the most amazing "a-ha" moments when they finally notice the behaviour pattern or hidden emotion that has been holding them back or eating them up inside. Helping people to blossom, grow in confidence and achieve their goals is the most rewarding experience.

What has been your most challenging experience to date and how did you resolve it?
Ending up in the intensive care unit at Saudi German Hospital!  I really took my health for granted until I contracted deep vein thrombosis due to stress and not looking after myself. Being alone in a hospital, surrounded by beeping machines and without even a window in the room, was really, really tough.
I used this as the catalyst to change my life - starting with my health, both physically and mentally. After this clear reminder that life can be short, I decided there was no time to waste in a career I wasn't passionate about. I had to prioritise my own well-being. It led me to change my career, relationships and lifestyle - now my health has never been better!

What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?
Just be yourself. Stop trying to be what you think you should be or follow what others are doing. Get comfortable with just being you. Also, meditate.

How do you maintain a work/life balance?
By listening to my body and keeping track of my close relationships. If I'm feeling run-down or haven't spent quality time with my partner or girlfriends in a while, I know work has taken over. I'm lucky because my hours are flexible - so I can take a morning off if I need to and work the evening instead. I make sure I have one full day off every week and try not to think about work on that day.

Do you have advice for youngsters getting into the professional arena?
Think carefully about what you want to do and where you want to go. Make sure you understand yourself and your values and that your plan fits those things. Follow your passion. Manage your finances from the start, as it will give you so much more flexibility later. Realise you don't have to stay in the same career forever - you can leave when it no longer serves you.

A fictional character you think would make for a good role model - and why?
Rafiki, the monkey from The Lion King. He has such a wise approach to life: to understand and focus on yourself, as you can't change the world around you. He's also playful and funny - something that often gets lost in the business world! My favourite quote: "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

What is your greatest dream, professionally?
To offer equus coaching for the royal families of the UAE and the Queen of England!
- Staff reporter

Published: Fri 14 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Fri 21 Jun 2019, 9:55 AM

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