12 jobs that make people most miserable

Study also identified 12 jobs which are most satisfying for people.


By Web Report

Published: Fri 25 Oct 2019, 4:28 PM

It is a known fact that all menial and manual labour make people miserable. However, this fact has been backed by a study conducted by the University of Chicago after surveying American workers.
According to reports in indy100, the study suggests there are 12 jobs with low pay and manual labour that make people miserable.
Besides the worst jobs, the study also identified 12 jobs which are most satisfying for people. The survey helped researchers rank both categories of the jobs. Agreeing with the findings, study author Tom W. Smith advised, "The most satisfying jobs are mostly professions, especially those involving caring for, teaching, and protecting others and creative pursuits."
The study revealed that on average, 47 per cent of the 27,000 interviewed said they were very satisfied with their jobs and 33 per cent they were very happy.
12 most miserable jobs
1. Roofers
2. Waiters/Servers
3. Labourers (except construction)
4. Bartenders
5. Hand packers and packagers
6. Freight, stock and material handlers
7. Apparel clothing salespersons
8. Cashiers
9. Food preparers
10. Expediters (suppliers)
11. Butchers and meat cutters
12 Furniture/Home furnishing salespersons
12 most satisfying jobs
1. Clergy
2. Physical therapists
3. Firefighters
4. Education administrators
5. Painters, sculptors, and related artists
6. Teachers
7. Authors
8. Psychologists
9. Special education teachers
10. Operating engineers
11. Office supervisors
12. Security and financial services salespersons

Web Report

Published: Fri 25 Oct 2019, 4:28 PM

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