Venezuelan opposition rallies in former Chavez stronghold

The opposition has reported 'a government programme of persecution', with 46 people linked to the movement arrested as of June 28

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado gestures during a campaign rally of presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, in Barinas, Venezuela, on Saturday. AFP


Published: Sun 7 Jul 2024, 4:52 PM

Thousands of opposition supporters tooted bugles, cheered and waved flags as they vowed on Saturday to defeat President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela's upcoming presidential elections.

The crowd gathered in Barinas, which was home to the late Hugo Chavez, the long-time socialist firebrand who led Venezuela for more than a decade until his death in 2013 and was the political mentor of Maduro, whom he handpicked to succeed him.

Maduro has overseen the collapse of oil-rich Venezuela's economy and is accused of running a repressive government. He is seeking a third straight term in the July 28 election.


Barinas state was a Chavez stronghold until the opposition triumphed in elections here in 2021 and again in 2022.

"If Barinas could do it, so can Venezuela," read a huge banner on a building next to a stage where opposition leader Maria Corina Machado spoke, as did the opposition presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia.

The little-known diplomat aged 74 is standing in for Machado in the election because courts loyal to Maduro have disqualified her, alleging corruption. She says the charges are bogus and has endorsed Gonzalez Urrutia.

"They believed they were going to break us," Machado, 56, told the cheering crowd. "What we are living today is magic, it is exceptional."

People watched the rally from the balconies of buildings and from rooftops, shouting words of support for her and Gonzalez Urrutia.

"You are gone, Maduro," read one of the banners held up in the crowd.

Venezuelan police filmed people at the rally and journalists covering it.

In his speech, Gonzalez Urrutia said "yes, change can be achieved."

"With the support of all of you, I am committed to fighting from day one to end this situation arising from indolence and corruption."

The opposition has reported what it calls a government programme of persecution, with 46 people linked to the movement arrested as of June 28.

They are opposition activists or at times simply merchants or business people who have provided services to the campaign, like hotel rooms or restaurant food, the opposition says.

Five more people were arrested on Saturday, opposition parties said.

One was an opposition activist named Rafael Marin in the central state of Miranda. Another was an unidentified truck driver, a party called La Causa R and the opposition coalition PUD said on X.


Published: Sun 7 Jul 2024, 4:52 PM

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