Nobel-winning PM of Ethiopia launches million-copy book

Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) - The book called "Medemer" aims at inclusivity and consensus in a country with scores of ethnic groups and a rising problem of ethnic unrest.



Published: Mon 21 Oct 2019, 12:05 AM

Ethiopia's Nobel Peace Prize-winning prime minister is launching a book of his ideology, with one million copies already printed.
Saturday's launch again raised concerns among some in the East African nation that a cult of personality could spring up around Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who announced sweeping political reforms after taking office last year.
The book called "Medemer" aims at inclusivity and consensus in a country with scores of ethnic groups and a rising problem of ethnic unrest.
The book comes as the country faces a national election next year that Abiy has pledged will be free and fair.
Exhibitors in the capital, Addis Ababa, said they were forced out of a conference hall for the launch. "We were told to evacuate," said Bethlehem Bahran, a communications director for the event.
The Press Secretary for the prime minister's office, Nigussu Tilahun, said no state money was involved in promoting the book. "And all proceeds from the book will be used to build schools across Ethiopia," he said.


Published: Mon 21 Oct 2019, 12:05 AM

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