Pakistan must not be a launchpad for terrorism; Clinton

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Pakistan must not be a launchpad for terrorism; Clinton

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday urged Pakistan to do more to make sure its territory is not used as a launchpad for terrorism, echoing earlier comments made by the Indian foreign minister alongside her.

By (Reuters)

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Published: Tue 8 May 2012, 12:54 PM

Last updated: Fri 3 Apr 2015, 12:24 PM

“We look to the government of Pakistan to do more,” she said in the Indian capital, New Delhi, on the last day of a three-day visit to the country.

“It needs to make sure that its territory is not used as a launching pad for terrorist attacks anywhere, including inside of Pakistan because the great unfortunate fact is that terrorists in Pakistan have killed more than 30,000 Pakistanis.”

Clinton accused Pakistan on Monday of dragging its feet on arresting Hafiz Saeed, suspected of masterminding a three-day rampage by gunmen on India’s financial capital, Mumbai, in 2008.

India is furious that Pakistan has not detained Saeed despite handing over evidence against him.

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