Tidy up office chairs - with a clap

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The self parking chairs - designed by Nissan - move themselves under the desk with just a clap.

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Published: Tue 16 Feb 2016, 10:35 AM

Last updated: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 2:18 PM

Chairs left askew is one of the most common issues at offices all over the world - but Japanese automaker Nissan seems to have come up with a solution to at least rid offices of 'chair clutter'.

Called the "Intelligent Parking Chair"- the chairs are inspired by the technology behind Nissan's self-parking cars.

With just a clap, these 'smart chairs' automatically move back under their desks, without any human intervention needed to place them in their designated positions.

The chairs, which are manufactured by Okamura, are tracked by four cameras on the wall, which detect motion, and are controlled by WiFi. Motors on the wheels drive the chairs, guided by the Wifi, popular technology website Wired.com reported.

However, these chairs aren't up for sale as they are part of a publicity stunt to promote Nissan's new intelligent parking assist technology. Until then, you will need to place your chair neatly under the desk before you sign out.

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