Watch: Utility truck nearly hits highway signs

As the unaware driver passes under the signs, you expect the raises bucket to collide


By Web Team

Published: Fri 17 Mar 2017, 7:43 AM

Last updated: Fri 17 Mar 2017, 3:49 PM

A video of an incident that could have gone horribly wrong and caused a massive road accident has gone viral.
In the video shared on Instagram, a utility truck can be seen driving with its bucket extended upwards on the highway near El Paso, Texas. As the truck passes under the highway signs, the bucket appears to collide with the sign pole but escapes narrowly. It is a nail-biting video as you wait for the bucket to hit but it miraculously doesn't, both the times.
Had the bucket hit any of the overhead signs, it would have caused havoc on the road.

The accident was averted after the Instagrammer alerted the driver. "Who knows what could've happened but I'm glad everything was OK. The driver was very grateful," the Instagrammer wrote.

Web Team

Published: Fri 17 Mar 2017, 7:43 AM

Last updated: Fri 17 Mar 2017, 3:49 PM

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