
Taxi users in Dubai to pay road toll

DUBAI - Were you confused about who'll foot the road toll bill if you were travelling in a taxi? The taxi driver, or you? Well, the verdict is out - people using taxis will have to pay both the road toll and taxi fare, Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) officials said yesterday, while introducing 'Salik', the brand name for Dubai's forthcoming toll system.




Monthly payment scheme for taxi owners announced

ABU DHABI — Abu Dhabi’s taxi and hire car regulator, in partnership with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), is delivering on its promise of compensating current taxi owners fairly, as part of its initiative to transform the Emirate’s transportation sector.



Anarchy on roads forced RTA to restore NOC rule

Environmental issues and increasing traffic chaos made the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) to reintroduce the rule requiring all driving licence applicants to produce a no-objection certificate from their employer, said a senior official of the RTA yesterday.



Dubai airport will host global meet

DUBAI - The Dubai International Airport (DIA) will host the 12th Route World Development Forum from September 17 to 19, bringing together hundreds of airlines executives and airport management experts from all over the world to discuss the development of new air routes.



Man jailed for theft on farm

ABU DHABI - Upholding the Al Ain Shariah Criminal Court of Appeal's ruling, the Federal Supreme Court has sentenced an expatriate, identified as Farid Abdulmalik, to three years in jail for stealing a few items from his sponsor's farm.
