Study reveals rise in cancer cases

DUBAI — An extraordinary increase has been recorded in the number of cancer cases in the UAE over the past 30 years, according to the first locally compiled study on the disease.

French expert refutes UAE superbug claim

DUBAI — Refuting the claims of local experts who dismissed the chances of superbug cases in the UAE, an international expert has said that cases of the new bacteria are likely to be identified in the UAE after a recent discovery of two similar cases in Oman.

Superbug fears in UAE shooed off

DUBAI — While hospitals in Dubai are equipped with new superbugs’ surveillance systems, experts say that the need to monitor a new drug-resistant superbug in the country is unnecessary despite the rapid spread of the bacteria internationally.

New superbug threat can’t be ignored

DUBAI — Medical tourism from the UAE to India may not be affected due to the emergence of a ‘new superbug’ though the threat should not be underestimated, said an expert.


Pregnancy tests for some visa categories

Pregnancy tests for some categories of women workers will be required under a revised set of medical fitness rules for granting work and residency permits to expatriates in the country.
