In the Pipeline: Ban on Sale of Single Cigarettes

DUBAI — With the region tightening the noose on the nicotine habit in the region, ban on the sale of single cigarettes will be implemented strictly in the country as part of new GCC-wide guidelines formulated last week on advertising and promotional restrictions of tobacco products.

In the Pipeline: Ban on Sale of Single Cigarettes

With the region tightening the noose on the nicotine habit in the region, ban on the sale of single cigarettes will be implemented strictly in the country as part of new GCC-wide guidelines formulated last week .

Before that Lump Becomes A Lump in Your Throat

DUBAI — Salwa Ibrahim was only 17 when she discovered cancerous lumps in her breast. The finding scared her and further diagnosis pointed to certain death for the youngster who believed in living life to the hilt.

Picture this and Stop Smoking

A smoking heart, burning fingers and a snake coiled around the shisha pipe are among the five graphics that will be used as warnings on tobacco products in the country soon.

Health Ministry Drive Bears Fruit

DUBAI - Leading by example, the Ministry of Health is encouraging its employees to eat two types of fruits a day at the workplace. The aim is to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and increase productivity.

Survey on Out-of-Pocket Spending on Healthcare

DUBAI — The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) will soon release results from a household survey detailing several health issues, including the average out-of-pocket spending on healthcare per family.

New Practical Licence Rules for Dubai Doctors

DUBAI - Practical demonstration of their skills that will earn them a permit and ensure that they are fit to practise, are among the new licensing and revalidation procedures required for Dubai physicians.