H1N1, Accidents on Morocco Regional Meet Agenda

DUBAI — Policies to counter the spread of H1N1, as well as reducing the burden of road traffic accidents and cancer in the region will be among the top issues to be discussed at the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office meeting that starts in Morocco today.

Breast Cancer Afflicting More Younger Women

DUBAI — Increasing numbers of young women are being detected with breast cancer, debunking earlier findings that women above 45 were more prone to the disease, say health officials.

Health Ministry to Hire 170 Nurses for Schools

DUBAI — The Ministry of Health has set an ambitious target to hire 170 nurses within a week’s time to manage influenza A (H1N1) in government schools in Dubai and the Northern Emirates.

WHO for Priority to Health and Food Industry Workers in H1N1 Vaccination

DUBAI — The World Health Organisation’s regional office has recommended that GCC countries should give top priority to immunisation against influenza A (H1N1) to workers in the healthcare and food industry as well as those involved in national security and 
political leadership.

Vaccination at Old Age Homes, Primary Health Centres Soon

DUBAI— Health officials will soon start administering the yearly flu vaccine to the elderly at community homes and primary health care centres as a precautionary step before the onset of the winter season which is also expected to see a surge in the spread of influenza A (H1N1) virus.

Copies of H1N1
Info Material Distributed

DUBAI — More than a million copies of educational material on H1N1 have been printed and distributed throughout the country, according to a senior official from the Ministry of Health.

Local Firm to Produce H1N1 Drug

DUBAI — A local pharmaceutical firm has been given the go-ahead to produce a generic version of the anti-viral drug Tamiflu effective in treating A (H1N1).

Hospitals Warned Against H1N1 Jab

DUBAI — The Ministry of Health has warned of legal action against private medical facilities dispensing seasonal flu vaccine claiming that it gives immunity against the Influenza
A (H1N1) virus.

Slow Down: Too Much For the Young Ones

DUBAI — A normal week day for 10-year-old Nidhi means rushing from one activity to the other. From school to tuition to music or swimming classes, Nidhi’s mother Kalpana ensures that her children are kept on their toes all day.