Exhibition Events to
go Online Soon

DUBAI - A new trend looks set to change the way exhibitions are organised. Exhibition events will be staged on the World Wide Web, making it a powerful marketing for sales success in future.

349 People Tested HIV-Positive in 2008: Report

DUBAI - As many as 349 people tested HIV-positive at the Department of Health and Medical Services (Dohms) and private hospitals in 2008.
In 2007, 414 people had tested positive.


UAE Nationals Main Donors of Blood

DUBAI - For the past 15 years, UAE nationals have topped the list of blood donors in the country with comparative figures standing at 29.57 per cent, according to a senior health official.



Get Fish-nibbled for Good Health

DUBAI - Hundreds of fish nibbling away at your body may conjure up daunting images, but not if you know the health benefits of the doctor fish’s gentle bite.


Taxation Could be the Way to Deter Smokers

DUBAI - A 200 per cent tax on tobacco and its products is being proposed by the GCC Committee for Tobacco Control, a senior Ministry of Health (MoH) official said on Tuesday.

Hypertension... Check it out Early

DUBAI - Physicians working under 
the Ministry of Health will follow international guidelines in management of adult hypertension in primary healthcare. The guidelines were 
adopted by the local physicians after a recent workshop that was attended 
by more than 120 physicians, nurses and pharmacists.