Taxi drivers’ attitude frustrates passengers

DUBAI — The grievances of Dubai Transport Corporation (DTC) taxi drivers highlighted yesterday by Khaleej Times have stirred different reactions from the corporation and the passengers as well who believed that work should not be affected and customers should be treated well by taxi drivers, whatever the circumstances.

Taxi drivers' attitude frustrates passengers

DUBAI - The grievances of Dubai Transport Corporation (DTC) taxi drivers highlighted yesterday by Khaleej Times have stirred different reactions from the corporation and the passengers as well who believed that work should not be affected and customers should be treated well by taxi drivers, whatever the circumstances.

Drivers frustrated with DTC wage deductions

DUBAI — Laying bare the treatment meted out to them by Dubai Transport Corporation (DTC), several drivers of the corporation have complained that for years they have never received their full earnings because the corporation makes unknown and unexplained deductions each month.

Phone banking takes its toll on irate clients

DUBAI — Since banks did away with toll free numbers last year, most people feel that phone banking has become expensive since they are kept on hold for longer periods, and more so, if they are making calls from another emirate or a mobile.

Low wage group feels the pinch of metered taxis

DUBAI — The lower income strata has been forced to rework their budget for commuting and travel following the gradual phasing out of private taxis by the Sharjah Transport Corporation (STC) and replacing them with metered ones.

Low wage group feels the pinch of metered taxis

DUBAI - The lower income strata has been forced to rework their budget for commuting and travel following the gradual phasing out of private taxis by the Sharjah Transport Corporation (STC) and replacing them with metered ones.

Indian mum’s bid to see daughter left in Pak fails

DUBAI — When an Indian national left her five-day-old baby girl seven months back with husband’s parents in Pakistan and returned as the visa was expiring, she did not imagine the separation would last this long.

Barcoding of Nicops over

DUBAI — The Pakistan Consulate in Dubai has finished the barcoding and started distribution of National Identity Cards for Overseas Pakistanis (Nicops) that had been taken back from a courier company recently.


Pakistani files cases against his company

DUBAI — Shamsul Bahadar — a Pakistani national — is fighting two cases against the company he worked for. One is that he was unlawfully sacked, and the other, the company is holding back his passport even though he was relieved from his job on April 4, 2005. The company officials say the man is bent on creating scenes.
