Kids ‘missing’ as camel jockey law takes effect

DUBAI — Many children who have gone missing are being hidden by those with vested interests while the others are being smuggled to neighbouring countries before the new law banning use of children below 16 years of age as camel jockeys came into force yesterday, a rights activist says.

A story from the past

DUBAI — Once upon a time, there lived a noble king — a Mughal king who made history when he constructed architectural wonders and culturally rich monuments that the world remembers today.

UK embassy tightens visa norms for maids

DUBAI — In an attempt to curb the number of domestic help absconding while accompanying their sponsors in the UK, the British embassy in UAE has decided to implement strict rules and regulations for issue of visas for maids.

Global Village: Link between UAE and world

DUBAI — In 202 BC, the Silk Road linked Europe and Asia. Since 1995, the road to Global Village links the UAE with the world. And once again in 2005, the Global Village is here to redefine the world.

Health, education need an integrated approach

DUBAI — An integrated approach to health, education and poverty alleviation can help resolve health and education problems in developed and underdeveloped countries, said Dr Faridudeen Baqai, Surgeon and Chancellor of Baqai University in Karachi, Pakistan.

Octagons, circles inspire artist Latif

DUBAI — Octagons and circles make Abdul Latif Sahu’s art unique. “I love working on circular mediums,” says the Pakistani artist who is currently in the UAE displaying his art at the Pakistani pavilion in Global Village.

Smudged Pak passports causing embarrassment

DUBAI — The Pakistani passport booklets being issued here have become a major cause for embarrassment to those having received it. The country’s name is smudged and, while the passport booklets issued in Pakistan these days do not state the religion, the ones issued here clearly state it, causing considerable confusion.

Nicop, machine-readable Pak passports in UAE

DUBAI — Pakistanis in the UAE will now be issued National Identity Cards for Overseas Pakistanis (Nicop) and machine-readable passports locally as the machines to process the same are being set up by the National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) at the Pakistani Consulate in Dubai soon.