
The dangerous road to hypertension

One in every 15 people in Dubai is hypertensive because of a poor diet and lifestyle, according to results from a survey that also pointed to a clear link between lack of education and the high prevalence of hypertension.


Look before you light up

Look before you light up

Come August 9 and all tobacco products in the UAE will start carrying strong pictorial and written warnings in English and Arabic that will cover half of the packet.

Licences of two doctors revoked


Licences of two doctors revoked

Licences of two doctors have been revoked while two other professionals have been suspended temporarily as the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) starts a surprise performance audit of healthcare professionals in the emirate.


Licences of 2 doctors revoked

Licences of two doctors have been revoked while two other professionals have been suspended temporarily as the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) starts a surprise performance audit of healthcare professionals in the emirate.

Eat wisely after fasting

Eat wisely after fasting

DUBAI — With the start of Ramadan, changes in eating habits and daily routine affect different people in different ways. Doctors are advising special care to people with chronic diseases and as well as asking them to eat healthily during the entire month.