Issa lives on ... thanks to Dubai Hospital

Issa lives on ... thanks to Dubai Hospital

Lying on his side on a bed at Dubai Hospital, Issa Mohammed smiles awkwardly upon seeing visitors, one of the rare occasion in 24 years — maybe unsure of how to react.

21% mothers in UAE prefer formula milk

21% mothers in UAE prefer formula milk

SHARJAH — One in five mothers in the UAE prefers to feed her baby with artificial milk instead of breast milk, according to the findings of a research announced by the Sharjah Baby-Friendly Emirate Campaign.

Stiff challenge to anti-tobacco lawmaking

A strong interference from the tobacco industry is hampering lawmakers’ plans to put anti-tobacco legislation in place, said officials, adding that attempts to increase tobacco prices through taxation have “failed”.

Boost for child safety


Boost for child safety

The framework for a UAE-wide child injury surveillance system has been completed and is awaiting final approval, said a senior official from the Dubai Health Authority.
