Hospitals to get licence 
to administer vaccines

DUBAI - Hospitals and clinics in the emirate have been given six months to be licensed as Vaccine Qualified Clinics in order to be able to offer immunisation services, according to a new policy outlined by the Dubai Health Authority on Sunday.

Medical tests for expats
in home countries soon

DUBAI — Implementing a system currently being followed by some GCC countries, expatriates here will also be required to undergo an extra set of medical fitness tests in their home countries before landing in the UAE for a job or residency.

Glamour for a cause

DUBAI - Mixing glamour with a cause, people gathered on Saturday evening in Dubai to raise funds to rehabilitate and reconstruct Pakistan’s flood affected people and areas.

Meal time TV viewing
unhealthy, says study

DUBAI — Majority of the children are exposed to TV viewing during meal times, leading to an unhealthy dietary behaviour and consequent development of serious health issues, according to the first ever study done to assess the family food environment and child-eating behaviour in the UAE.


Robotic doctor to make debut in ME

DUBAI - An automated human-like doctor, Robodoc, is set to debut in the Middle East and assist doctors in managing patients in critical care settings, announced health experts on Thursday.


Smokers may have 
to spend more

DUBAI - A proposal to increase the wholesale prices of cigarettes is almost ready to be put forward to higher authorities. The proposed increase or ‘health tax’ will see a rise in the wholesale cigarette prices ranging between Dh10-12 per carton.

Rare surgery saves Serbian woman’s life

SHARJAH — A rare, life-saving surgery to remove a brain tumour was performed on a young Serbian girl who was specially flown into the UAE after two previous surgeries proved 