Karen Ann Monsy

Karen Ann Monsy


When the dying ask for dignity

When it's time to 'pass on', addressing physical suffering alone cannot ease anxieties. After all, how does one prepare for the end? Find out why palliative and hospice care — holistic services that ensure quality of life for the critically or terminally ill — are the need of the hour in the UAE


Call of the wild


Call of the wild

Why some wildlife photographers are finding it impossible not to take up Nature's cause after coming face to face with its many majestic creatures


Want a break? Try a sabbatical


Want a break? Try a sabbatical

Sometimes, a vacation just isn't enough and you need to call a major timeout instead. But taking off for a year is a scary leap to make. Hear it from those who've done it - and discovered the unpredictable in the process


How far would you go to engage your audience?


How far would you go to engage your audience?

Entertainers and social media stars are constantly under pressure to keep their audiences engaged - but, as many of them are also finding out, there is a great deal of responsibility that comes with being in the spotlight. The question is: how far is too far?
