Mustafa Al Zarooni

crime and courts

Tension, verdict and commotion

Tension was palpable in the room even before the three judges of the State Security Court of the Federal Supreme Court took their seats on Tuesday morning to pronounce their verdict in the historic case against 94 Emiratis accused of plotting to overthrow the government.

crime and courts

Journalists, human rights associations praise verdict

crime and courts

Journalists, human rights associations praise verdict

"Our independent judiciary has offered the members of the clandestine organisation and other skeptics a clear evidence that the UAE, since its inception, has been a state of institutions and law, and everyone who has rights will see his rights being given to him/her and punishment handed down to the wrongdoer," Mohammed Yousouf, Chairman of the UAE Journalists Association, said commenting on the verdict pronounced on Tuesday.

crime and courts

Jail for 69 in sedition case

In a case that has hogged the headlines for months, those who plotted against the UAE and its institutions have got what they deserved

56 sentenced to 10 years in UAE sedition case


56 sentenced to 10 years in UAE sedition case

In a landmark verdict on Tuesday, the Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi sentenced the main 56 accused in the state security case to ten years in jail, while five others received seven years. Eight accused, who were tried in absentia, received 15 years each.
